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  © 2008 Kosher Technical Konsultants
Kosher Technical Konsultants

  About Us

The administration of the Shield Star K® is comprised of a committee of experts in the various disciplines of kosher food production, such as flavor processing, dairy and bakery plants and meat processing, as well as a number of PhD level flavor chemists. The kosher policies of the Shield Star K® are governed by a committee of a world renowned experts in kosher law. They review and decide all questions of Halacha (Jewish Law) which may exist.

The Shield Star K® is a worldwide organization, with an international network of regional coordinators and rabbinic representatives, all of whom are strictly Orthodox in their personal practices and synagogue affiliations. Every product or service under the Shield Star K® supervision has been carefully reviewed by our renown experts, and is closely monitored on an ongoing basis.

The Shield Star K® has pioneered many new techniques to raise the standards of kosher supervision for the modern food industry. It has won the respect of many of the world's largest food producing companies for its sophisticated understanding of the manufacturing process, its trustworthiness in protecting confidential trade information, and its outstanding reputation for reliability and acceptability throughout the kosher market.

The Shield Star K® emblem is a registered trademark protected under Federal law against unauthorized use on any product or service. It is the exclusive property of Kosher Technical Konsultants, a division of the Orthodox Jewish Council, an international organization providing the highest standards of Kashrut. Only those products and services meeting these standards are permitted to display the Shield Star K® symbol.

The Shield Star K® emblem is a firm guarantee to all kosher consumers that the product or service which bears the symbol, is in full compliance with the most demanding kosher standards.